“Are you interested in taking your company culture to the next level?”
In the current business climate, organizations are struggling with rapid change, finding competitive advantage in a globalized economy, as well as finding, keeping, and motivating a changing workforce. An unhealthy organization culture is the single most important thing holding organizations back from achieving their business goals and strategies. According to research, 75% of business leaders acknowledge the critical role of an effective workplace culture in their company’s success, but only one-third strongly agree their organization is effectively cultivating such a culture.
So, what are the elements of an effective, resilient culture?
- Positive Leadership
- Purpose and Vision Driven
- Open and consistent communication
- Emotional Intelligence
- Personal Effectiveness
- Professional Development & Succession Planning
While we can support all of the above items (see our HR Consulting page), it’s the Emotional Intelligence of an organization’s leaders and employees which can have the most significant impact on the creation of a positive culture change. Simply put, Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others – and it can be learned. By developing greater self-awareness, empathy, relationship building, and conflict resolution skills, leaders and employees can create a more positive and productive work environment and establish a culture that is more aligned with the organization’s values and goals.
We offer a Complimentary Culture Survey for clients

We all experience a wide range of pleasant and unpleasant feelings at work as we interact with others. These feelings influence our decisions, behavior and performance in interesting ways. Pleasant feelings have a ‘broaden and build’ effect causing us to think more broadly, engage more deeply and perform better. Unpleasant emotions tend to have a ‘narrow and limiting’ effect, causing us to be more closed-minded, less engaging and poorer at performing.
This Culture Index has been designed to measure three dimensions of emotions at work:
- The Current State – How often employees experience certain positive and negative feelings at work,
- The Expected State – How often employees think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of the workplace, and
- The Ideal State – How often employees think they should ideally experience these feelings in the workplace to be effective.
Our Suite of Emotional Intelligence training programs and supporting HR Consulting services can help you customize and enhance your culture. Some of our specific training programs include:
- Introduction to Emotional Intelligence Read More …
- Applied Emotional Intelligence Read More …
- Psychological Safety Read More …
- The Science of Well-Being Read More …
- Leaders as Coach Read More …
Source Material for Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence – Why it can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman
- Social Intelligence – Beyond IQ, Beyond Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
- Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Coleman
- Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Dr. Travis Bradberry & Dr. Jean Breaves
- “4 things you need to know if you want to be emotionally intelligent” by LaRae Quy – https://www.smartbrief.com/original/4-things-you-need-know-if-you-want-be-emotionally-intelligent?utm_source=brief&utm_medium=FeaturedContent&utm_campaign=LeadershipOriginals
- “10 Ways Emotional Intelligence Skills Can Boost Business Results” by Forbes Human Resources Council – https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2019/11/14/10-ways-emotional-intelligence-skills-can-boost-business-results/amp/
- “10 Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence – Developing your EQ skills is essential to professional success today” – Expert Opinion By Young Entrepreneur Council (INC.) – https://www.inc.com/young-entrepreneur-council/10-ways-to-increase-your-emotional-intelligence.html
- “Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work And How You Can Improve” by Erik Pham, Forbes Councils Member – https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesbusinesscouncil/2024/02/23/why-emotional-intelligence-matters-at-work-and-how-you-can-improve/#:~:text=Learning%20empathy%20is%20one%20of,and%20more%20productive%20working%20relationships
- Developing Emotional Intelligence – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9h8fG1DKhA
- 12 traits emotionally intelligent people share (You can learn them) by Daniel Goleman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr8sLxde1m8
- Strategies to become more emotionally intelligent by Daniel Goleman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt74vK9pgIA
- The Power of Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auXNnTmhHsk